Labels:audio cd | cd rom | crt screen | door | earth | person | sky | trade name | tree OCR: Sm ithsonian AN INTERACTIVE EXHIBITI ION OF AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE COMPACT MM 13 DIGITAL DISC DATA W TION WY in/Mac CD-ROM DA CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA 1994 Smit isonan Instituti ion. The nam es Smithsonian and Smithsonian Institution are federally registel red trademar "ks owned by the Smithsonian Institu tion Other words, images and spunos copyright of their respecti ive owners, AJ rights reser ved Devel oped in conjunctian with Run Time. inc Use of this ISC shall be governed by the license pue warranty agreement and copyl right natice on this disc can be tuntd by clicking on the button titled License Agr eement in the Main Menu Order #2204- 00-10- 691 0635 BITION Smitl isonian Inst itut Smitt registe ithsor nian sounds respect juncti govel rned licer warra copy righ notice foun click ti ...